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Park Ridge Baseball Softball

Established 1950



All new umpires to our program must attend ONE classroom and the on-field training.  After completing the training, you will be given an open book exam.

Class dates are: 

>>>>> First Date 4/06/2025 5pm to 7:15pm
> >>>>> Second Date 4/13/2025 5pm to 7:15pm

Maine Park  -  Park Room

On Field 4/27   Hinkley  #1  1pm


Returning umpires are welcome to attend for a refresher, but it is not required.


Umpires that already have a RefTown account, follow the new ump instructions, but when asked, click the I have an account box.  Then update your profile and click save at the bottom of the form.

Click here for registration instructions for RefTown

Send questions to: [email protected]

Special reports are to be submitted on RefTown


Uniform and Equipment

All umpires must wear an official umpire shirt and gray pants. All umpires 18 and older must wear official gray umpire pants. Only PRUA, IHSA, or solid navy or black hats may be worn. You must have shin guards, mask and chest protector on at all times. You may wear gym shoes, umpire shoes, or plastic spikes only. You must have your indicator and plate brush with you on the field. Bring water, a watch, and your rule books to the game.

Game Day

Arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled game time. Introduce yourself to both managers and inform them that ground rules will take place 5 minutes prior to game time.

Pre-game meeting is held at home plate with no players on the field. . Discuss rules specific to the league and the field. Inform the managers that players and coaches are to remain in the bench area when not on the field. No player, coach, or manager, unless coaching a base, will stand in front of the bench area fence or in the on deck area.  In order to be paid, you MUST sign the official scoresheet.  If there is no scoresheet, please sign the Park ridge Teams, scorebook

Show respect to the game. Be professional. You should be assertive, but not confrontational. Talk to managers and coaches, do not shout. Hustle and get into good position to make a call. Make your calls using a loud voice and proper mechanics, do not show off or over exaggerate.

If a manager has a question about a rule, call time and discuss the rule with both managers. Be sure to have your rule book with you at the field, but not in your pocket.

Keep the game moving. Start the game on time. Only 5 warm up pitches between innings. Remind the manager to warm up the pitcher if the catcher is not ready. Stay focused on the field. Do not have friends distracting you during the game or between innings. Do not discuss the game, specific players, or coaching suggestions with players or coaches during the game.

Scheduling Games

Games will be available for self assignment via RefTown.  Email communications will be sent to you when games are available.

You must also update your availability calendar in RefTown. If  you are sent a game, you must work it.

Contact Us

Park Ridge Baseball / Softball

P.O. Box 1044, FAX: 847.770.4965
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Email: [email protected]

Park Ridge Baseball / Softball

P.O. Box 1044, FAX: 847.770.4965
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Email: [email protected]
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