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Park Ridge Baseball Softball

Established 1950

First Aid


If the Fire Department Paramedics or the Police need to be called, please call 911.  Please look for a sign on each backstop, which will provide you the Name of the Park, Park Address and Field Number.  This information will assist the Fire Department and/or Police in responding to your exact location.

When a player is injured, even if you may feel that the injury is very minor in nature, the player’s parents should always be notified.

External Bleeding:  The most effective method of controlling external bleeding is the application of direct pressure to the wound with a dry sterile dressing.  Elevation should be used to help reduce bleeding.  If bleeding is severe and uncontrolled, the Fire Department (911) should be called.  Latex gloves, provided in the manager’s first aid kit and/or the equipment box, should be used when attending to a blood injury. 

Facial, Head, Neck, Chest and Back Injuries:  These injuries may vary greatly in severity from very minor to an actual threat to life.  The primary concerns of these injuries are potential breathing problems and/or neck and spinal cord injury.  If breathing difficulty, unconsciousness or spinal injury is suspected, the Fire Department (911) should be called immediately.  If the player is unable to move (head, arms, legs, etc.) by himself, do not move him/her.  Moving the victim improperly may cause further serious injury.  If the injured player is wearing a helmet and there is no airway involvement, do not remove the helmet.  The victim should only be moved by trained medical personnel.

Suspected Broken Bones, Sprains and Strains:  If the victim has suffered an obvious fracture, (severe angulation, open wound with bone showing, etc.) the Fire Department (911) should be called.  If a fracture, sprain or strain is suspected, the affected area should be gently supported and an ice pack applied.  Elevation should be used to help reduce pain and swelling. The player’s parents should be immediately notified and further medical care left to the parent’s discretion.

Heat Exhaustion:  Immediately move player to a cooler place, an air-conditioned automobile or building, etc.  Give the player some cool water or a sports drink.  After the player is moved to a cooler area, notify the parents.  If life threatening symptoms are noted, the Fire Department (911) should be called immediately.

Insect Stings/Allergic Reactions:  If the parent of the injured player is available, they should be notified immediately.  A serious allergic reaction can occur within seconds of exposure.  A child who is stung should be observed for itching or burning skin, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, dizziness or faintness.  For a mild reaction, an ice pack should be applied.  If life-threatening symptoms are noted, the Fire Department (911) should be called immediately.  If the player has an Epi-Pen prescribed, it should stay with the injured player and used when needed (note the time the Epi-Pen was used). 

In all cases of injury, the player’s parents should be advised.  In cases of injury requiring professional medical treatment, your league president must be advised and a PRBS Injury Tracking Report must be completed and submitted to your League President.

If good judgment dictates that immediate and more definitive medical treatment is indicated, the Park Ridge Fire Department should be called:  911

First Aid kits should be kept with the team's equipment and be available for all practices and games.  Additional supplies may be found in the equipment box located at each diamond.  If supplies are used, replacements can be found in the equipment room and should be replaced as soon as possible. 

If the Fire Department Paramedics or the Police need to be called, please call 911.  Please look for a sign on each backstop, which will provide you the Name of the Park, Park Address and Field Number.  This information will assist the Fire Department and/or Police in responding to your exact location.

Contact Us

Park Ridge Baseball / Softball

P.O. Box 1044, FAX: 847.770.4965
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Email: [email protected]

Park Ridge Baseball / Softball

P.O. Box 1044, FAX: 847.770.4965
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Email: [email protected]
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